Some Causes Of Ringing Ears

Very often the first indication that you have something wrong with your ears is when you are trying to sleep at night and are plagued by ringing in the ears. While most of us have experienced this sound, it usually goes away quite quickly. For others it becomes a constant torture.

A never ending torment of constant buzzing, whooshing and ringing sounds that can be very irritating and emotionally upsetting. There are some common reasons why this horrible condition starts up and there are also steps that can be taken to reduce and remove the sounds.

There are a great deal of reasons why the ringing in the ears can start up but some of the most common ones are:

Trauma to the head:

Head injuries can sometimes damage the inner ear which results in Tinnitus.

Too much Alcohol or Caffeine:

Excessive drinking of alcohol or strong coffee can sometimes stimulate the brain and cause a resulting buzzing in the ears.

Loud Noise:

Working in a noisy factory or listening to loud music can damage the delicate hearing mechanism of the ears. This damage can be permanent and can cause a ringing sound to be noticeable especially when it is quiet.

Depression and anxiety:

This can be a major problem. Both depression and anxiety are known to be capable of starting off ringing in the ears probably due to a rise in blood pressure. Unfortunately the Tinnitus does nothing to help people relax and can cause more depression. It can become a vicious circle of suffering and more anxiety.


No list of causes for any medical conditions seems to be complete without stress. Tinnitus is no exception. Stress is probably the most common factor in causing buzzing in the ears but unfortunately, stress itself is a symptom of other causes.

It can be extremely difficult to discover exactly what is causing the stress and often equally difficult to discover a solution to it. It seems that the real key to eliminating buzzing, clicking or ringing in the ears is to discover what causes it and tackle that as the real problem.

There are also other reasons for Tinnitus like diet and to successfully eliminate the real cause it usually will take a multi step approach.

There are now thankfully some great methods and options, often developed by sufferers themselves, to cure Tinnitus that can lead to quiet ears.